Why people seek therapy?

  1. Sometimes it’s about how you feel in yourself maybe anxious or overwhelmed

  2. Sometimes it can be that you have challenges in your relationships, potentially finding it hard to connect with people or to maintain the ones you have.

  3. Sometimes it can be about discovering a different version of yourself and reassessing your values and rediscover what makes you YOU.

  4. Sometimes it can be about events that have happened to you, such as friendships fall outs or maybe a break up.

  5. Sometimes it could be about the fact that you recently lost a loved one or a close friend.

  6. Sometimes it can be that you are going through big changes in your life which bought a sense of instability.

  7. Sometimes it can be about wanting to be a better person but feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start.

  8. Sometimes it can be about realising that you are using some coping mechanisms that may be unhealthy for you.

  9. Sometimes it may be about a sense of hopelessness, powerlessness and sadness that seem to take over your day-to-day life.

  10. Sometimes it can be about you feel like you’ve lost control and struggling to manage your emotions.

  11. Sometimes it can be that you are feeling quite deflated and having difficulty trusting yourself to make the right decisions.

  12. Sometimes it can be due to a lack of confidence in yourself or difficulty around your self-esteem.

  13. Sometimes it may be that you struggle with your body image and your self confidence.

    Finally, it can just be that you feel like you need to talk to someone. As simple as it sounds, that is reason enough to seek some support.